What Else Coaching

What Else is possible for you?

What Else Coaching

About Me

I am a doctor working in the NHS specialising in women's health, reproductive medicine and mental health. I also work with doctors, and other healthcare professionals, who are experiencing mental health difficulty and/or addiction in my role with Practitioner Health. The experiences I've gained in these roles give me a deep insight into the patterns people can fall into and the challenges that can be faced such as 'overwhelm', imposter syndrome and lacking confidence to make changes.

I am driven to create a compassionate culture in workplace environments, especially the NHS, and excited by how coaching can help develop teams and individuals to feel more cohesive and valued.

I have a diploma in Transformational Coaching accredited by the Association for Coaching and am registered with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council as a Senior Practitioner.

I work with people 1:1, in group settings, and also offer workshops on compassion in leadership, teams and in self-compassion.

Work with me...

I work remotely from my home in Wiltshire and offer flexible ways to invest time in yourself to work through whatever thoughts are keeping you stuck where you are and help you to get yourself unstuck!

You can book a discovery call with me by emailing.... and we can think through what you need and want together.

We can create bespoke packages of coaching or mentoring to suit your needs, why not meet me to explore how I can help you to hear what you want and need? This will create a space for you then to take clear and effective actions for change!

If you feel like you've been round all the options a million times and can't see a solution why not meet with me to look at 'What Else?' might be right for you?

To get in touch, send an email to carrie@whatelse-coaching.com

Client testimonials

[The] best compliment I can give I think - it really helped me and I am left feeling like I have resolved a massive sticking point, I feel lighter, excited, optimistic and joyful when I think about my next steps .. and whereas I felt I might use all my sessions with you to work through (“hard work?”) stuff around my book, I might not need to now! I love how coaching does that.. it can explode the timeframe for things and make problems disappear sometimes.

When I started the sessions, I really wasn't sure what to expect, and I was worried it may feel quite awkward, as I don't really enjoy talking about myself. In reality, the sessions weren't awkward at all - they felt like conversations, but conversations with a clear purpose (even if that purpose didn't become clear until the end of the session.) It was a really enlightening experience, and one I enjoyed much more than I thought I would.

It really helped me to clarify what is important to me in my career, and what I can do to develop aspects of my career that I am passionate about. As someone who has taken a non-standard route through (and out) of training, the coaching really helped me to clarify why this had been the case, and to reframe this as something positive which has benefitted me, rather than a failure. She also helped me to develop tangible, practical things I could do to help to develop my career, which was really exciting.

Coaching with Carrie was so useful. She fed back some very useful observations that allowed me to move forward in my thinking about the issue being discussed. It felt like a safe space, free of judgement which allowed me to explore options I had not previously considered. She was kind and considerate and I felt like she really cared about supporting me on my journey. While coaching is non-directive, I found it so helpful to be coached by someone who understood the unique complexities and demands of being a doctor. Carrie is intuitive, kind and skilled. I trusted her completely.

How to transition home after a difficult day" with Neonatal Paeds trainees following a bereavement simulation day...
A very interesting reminder of how to take care of oursselves and eachother.
Different perspective on wellbeing - practical and meaningful.
It built us up after a draining day, some useful tips for managing self at work.
It addressed issues that doctors have in real life.